Read First: Pool Safety
First thing’s first: Never dive into any pool with less than 8’ of water. Diving in shallow water could result in a back or neck injury, paralysis, or death.
Never leave children unattended or out of your sight in your swimming pool.
Never swim alone.
Make sure your pool is inaccessible to children and pets when unsupervised or you are away from your home.
Make sure you are aware of local requirements concerning fencing around pools.
Encourage all family members to become familiar with CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). Training is normally available from a number of different groups, i.e., American Red Cross, YMCA, etc.
Always follow product usage directions on the label.
Never mix chemicals together.
Always add chemicals to water, never the reverse.
Chemicals should be stored in a cool, dry place, sealed, and out of reach from children and pets.
After handling chemicals, clean hands thoroughly.
Never put a quick dissolving chlorine tablet into an automatic or floating dispenser. Place in skimmer basket only.
Never put a slow dissolving chlorine tablet in the skimmer basket. Place in automatic or floating dispenser.
Pool alarms are recommended for families with small children or pets.
- Last but not least: Have fun, but always be prepared. In case of emergency, dial 911.